

Here's a trailer on YouTube for an hour-long documentary I filmed and edited about the Scottish Gaelic learner community in the Seattle area.

Bliadhna agus Latha (A Year and a Day)


Here are some examples of the videos I made for Xbox. These are intended to get people a quick answer so they can get back to playing their game. I used an El Gato game recording device for screen capture, and then edited the footage in Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects with some graphics work in Photoshop. These are MP4 video files that will play in your default web media player:

Quick tip: Add a friend to Home

Overview: Find answers and tips in Xbox Assist

What's new (large 179 MB file): What's new in the Fall update

Business/IT pro

I was hired by Office to help the other writers make videos for their documentation, in addition to writing the Visio docs. The managers were very supportive of engaging customers with creative videos, so I got to try a variety of techniques to capture attention and communicate information. Screen capture was done using TechSmith Camtasia, and editing was in Camtasia and Adobe Premiere Pro.

Clarity series example: Episode 3: Create a network diagram

Quick Tip series example: Insert a shape

Equipment Corner series example: How to use the Flip camera

Outlook Best Practices training course example: Episode 1: Getting Started

Story-based informational example (large 124 MB file): What's New in Visio 2010


I started with video while I was in Visual Studio, using screen capture to demonstrate Office development projects. Here are a couple of examples.

Visual Studio:Create an Outlook form region

SharePoint: Deploy an extended document using SharePoint



As part of the Content Experience group for Xbox, I worked with engineering and the other content developers to track updates and new features, and with marketing to learn the preferred messaging for each. Then I would write or update scripts. Here are a few examples in PDF format:

Conceptual: What is Mixer?

Procedural: Try Copilot

Troubleshooting: Troubleshoot your controller

Business/IT pro

Before Xbox I worked in Microsoft Office, where I owned the Visio documentation for two versions of the software. I also produced a podcast for my Visio blog and piloted a series of eBooks based on existing Getting Started content for all the Office programs. Here are a few examples in PDF format:

Overview: Shapes Window

Procedural: Group shapes


I started my career at Microsoft as a programmer/writer working on the SQL connection tools in VBA. After Office XP shipped, Microsoft decided that it was time to sunset VBA, so my team had to come up with a new charter. We decided to stick to our strengths and make Office a more professional development platform by moving the tools into Visual Studio, with support for Visual Basic .NET and C# coding. I documented the Office development tools and concepts, plus the Office object model with code samples for automating Word and Excel.

Overview: Office solutions architecture overview

API example: ChartWizard method

Walkthrough: Create an Outlook form region

Audio Production

These are some of the albums I've recorded, mixed, and mastered in my home-based Tune Drake Studio. Recordings were captured on a Yamaha AW4416 recording board or directly in Pro Tools and mixed in Cakewalk Sonar or Pro Tools.

All the links open that album's page on in a new window.

The Pan-Galacticats

Polyhedrals and Police Boxes

Moss Bay

Sailing In For a Pint

The Bog Rockets

Rave in the Bog

The Ceol Miners

Dig It, Ceol Miners

Contact me

Send an email to HarryMiller care of live dot com, or click the LinkedIn or Twitter icon in the sidebar. I look forward to hearing from you!

Website by Harry Miller using the BlueGriffon HTML editor, from a template by Templatemo.